Heathdale Christian College

Over 12 months, Baldasso Cortese collaborated closely with Heathdale Christian College on their Implementation Plan. This is essentially a highly detailed Master Plan providing a resolved development roadmap for the next 20+ years. The Plan represents an opportunity to think long term and to align the school’s vision and objectives with a detailed plan for their built form.
The Implementation Plan is characterised by:
(i) growing student numbers,
(ii) a new primary school to be developed on the west side of the site, enabling the staged upgrade of the secondary school,
(iii) urban design, structured around an activated boulevard pedestrian axis,
(iv) a complex staging and decanting strategy,
(v) detailed traffic solutions managing buses, student drop-offs, and car parks.
Since the completion of the Implementation Plan in 2019, we have successfully delivered the Stage 1 Prep building. The Stage 2 Junior Years wing is currently under construction. Our building designs for Heathdale are loved by the school, not just liked - something we take seriously.


Baldasso Cortese Annual 2021


East Wimmera Health Service, Birchip