East Wimmera Health Service, Birchip

Baldasso Cortese worked closely with the Victorian Health Building Authority and East Wimmera Health Service on the major redevelopment of their Birchip campus, located in north-western Victoria.

In late 2021, the project delivered to the Birchip community the benefits of a purpose-built care facility, housing acute patients and residential aged care residents, in a welcoming and contemporary setting, combined with integrated operational efficiencies.

The project’s design celebrates the existing large Edwardian house, which formed the original hospital. The scheme underscored the ongoing importance and viability of the health service to the district.

We prioritised the need to place the new Birchip building within an attractive and therapeutic landscaped setting. Passive ESD strategies and enticing views to the outdoors were incorporated. Combined, these provide a collection of positive and uplifting spaces for all users. Our expertise was driven by our passion to empower regional communities with optimal public facilities across the continuum of health care.


Heathdale Christian College


St Lawrence of Brindisi Catholic Primary School in Melton South